Retina Vision

This is a blog on the information I feel to be relevant to the public/ health care providers and retinal patients with regards to eye care/ health esp where the retina is concerned.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Macular Edema in Diabetes?

There is such a volume of info out there on this topic. Where do u begin to decipher the body of knowledge to help your eyes? Easy..control your risk factors. How?
What works:

  • Blood pressure control (ACE and ARB's)
  • Tight sugar control
  • Statins
  • Lasers
  • anti -VEGF

So whats new? So your endocrinologist says u need these news fancy diabetic drugs ( avandia/ actos etc). think again...
Interestingly, our old friend 'aspirin' was assoc. with a lower rate of DME....fancy that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a helpful post. Very informative. Thank you for sharing your post.

Macular Edema