Retina Vision

This is a blog on the information I feel to be relevant to the public/ health care providers and retinal patients with regards to eye care/ health esp where the retina is concerned.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Lucentis Vs Avastin

"Dr. Chakravarthy reported that there were fewer arteriothrombotic events and heart failures with bevacizumab than with ranibizumab (odds ratio [OR], 0.23; 95% CI, 0.05 to 1.07; P =.03). "This was not observed in CATT," she noted."

Well whadayya know!!....Whats more interesting is that unlike CATT, IVAN shows that in all probability, the safety profile of both drugs are similar and not leaning towards ranibizumab as previously thought. Its early results tho, so we should wait for the entire 2 years. Big debates coming!

BTW the article quotes Prof Simon Harding from St. Pauls, at the Royal in Liverpool! alma mater!

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